Here's the e-maiI sent out to a bunch of people that helped me with the Polar Bear Project!
Hey everyone! It's Mollie Passacantando giving you an update. But this time, it's not about Polar's about the bees! And I hope you might want to help out too.
How this started: After my polar bear project, I was honored that the author T.A. Barron chose me as a winner of the 2008 Gloria Barron Prize (named for his mom). This came with a cash award which could be spent on education and/or activism. I was wondering what to spend it on -- what could I do next that could help do something good for the world? Meanwhile I was lucky enough to be introduced by the Barron Prize people to Gabriela Chavarria, who has been my mentor for two years. Gaby is a PhD in BUMBLEBEES. Then, coincidentally I saw a program on the bee's disappearance. I knew that was an omen. So, my mom and I began an outline for a project that would help protect bees.
We are working in partnership with Gaby, Sam Droege of the U.S. Geological Survey, and our neighbors and friends the Brower Family to start a project called Let A Thousand Flowers Bloom. Our school, and four others are going to help start a BRAND NEW monitoring project for the U.S.G.S. that will help track the effects of global climate change on nectar flow and bee populations. We will be making and observing Osmia bee trap nests. Osmia are STINGLESS bees (my principal was really happy about that) and we will be among the first people to be part of this project. We are going to be entering our observations into an on-line database.
The reason I'm telling you all this is that we need more people to do this monitoring project with us! We especially need people in different parts of the country. So here's my question for you: would you, your family or your office or school like to build a simple trap nest (it is easy and small, too) and be part of this project? If so, I am using some of my prize money to fund the purchase of the special "bee tubes" that are necessary for the project - and the USGS is sponsoring the mailing of the tubes. If you send me your name and mailing address, you will receive the material you need to build the nests, with easy instructions provided on line. but HURRY because if you want to place the nests they need to be out in early spring when the bees are first emerging.
The last thing I wanted to mention is that once again thanks to your efforts with the polar bear project, I was featured in the just-published Girls Gone Green, a book about girls that have done projects to save the environment. The girls in the book are amazing. They are scientists, fundraisers, farmers and advocates for the coolest causes. I am so honored to be included in this book with girls who have done so much. If you are interested in more about Girls Gone Green, here is the publisher's website about the book:
I will be regularly blogging on our bee project ( ) and linking to a new Wiki site we're developing so everyone who is part of the project can post comments about the project, in addition to contributing to the REAL database at the USGS.
That's it for now. Please let me know if you are interested in the bee project. And have a GREAT spring!
Great Job Mollie, I'll spread the word.
Uncle Ken
Hi Molly,
I love what you're doing! I'd like to get a "bee tube" for the yard I am co-gardening in located in DC. If you could email me at I will send you the address.
You are very inspiring!
I'd be interested in doing this too. I'm planting a garden in my backyard in Arlington, VA. Same as Heather, if you could email me at I would gladly email you my mailing address!
This sounds like a very exciting thing to do!
hey mole i'd be happy to help!
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