The Polar Bears are endangered more then ever now! The deadline to write a letter is April 9th!The way you write a letter is you scroll down this very page and see the directions!!the post is entitled How to support the Polar Bears by writing to the fish and wildlife service. I hope that YOU get the chance to write a letter and save the Polar Bears! If we increase awareness about the Polar Bears being endangered then well probably increase awareness of global warming to! And if we increase awareness about global warming and do something about it then many animals will be stopped from extinction. So once you have written a letter you know that you have made a difference!
Terrific job Mollie. You ought to be very proud of your efforts. Keep it up. I'll post your site on my blog!
HI Mollie: We were very excited to see your quote in the Washington Post. Wasn't it scary to speak in front of all those people? We are going to send a letter to save polar bears like you ask.
Dana Hunter (9) & Sandy Hunter (7)
Hi, this is Oona. I watched your speech at Capitol Hill. You did really well.Did you say hi to John Kerry ? See you soon! bye
Hi Mollie,
Very commendable that you're concerned about the plight of the polar bears, but don't worry. I've read that the photos about them were taken out of context, see http://newsbusters.org/node/11545 . The guy who took the photos talks about the mixup & misunderstanding. Great news for polar bear lovers everywhere!
Hi, Mollie: I saw you and your Dad on the channel 9, Saturday morning news. Great job! I am very proud of you and I am sure the polar bears are too. You go girl!
All the best, Georgette Walsh
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