Hey there! I hope everybody is having a great summer and doing many wonderful things! I also hope that between relaxing and more relaxing, you all thought about some projects we could do! I did and I think I came up with one or two promising ideas. My first idea is to donate money to the conquer pediatric chiari foundation. Chiari is a little known disease with many symptons that make the patient suffer constantly. There is no known cure and since the disease is so little known about, it is hard for scientists to get enough money and conduct research. Feel free to look up this disease and the stories of the kids who have to go through it. So where did I go on vacation you ask? To Wyoming! To visit the mountains and some very good friends. While we were there we went hiking, biking, boating, and almost parasailing. We saw marmots, moose, bears, and swans. But one of our more exciting wildlife sightings was of the pika. After learning more about the pika I decided that this would be a really cool project, to somehow help the pika. The pika is a small squirrel type animal that can only live in an elevation of 6,600 to 13,000 feet. Because of there hindering elevation needs and mostly because of climate change, the pika is almost extinct. These are only two possible ideas and while I think together we could get far with them, I would love to hear everybody's thoughts and comments. Tell me what inspires you to make a difference. See ya all next time!